How to Replace a Garage Door: A Guide for Homeowners

In the United States, 63% of homes have garages.

That means that it is more than likely that you have a garage attached or separate from your home, or at the very least a carport. If you have a garage, what happens when something goes wrong, do you know how to replace a garage door?

How to Replace A Garage Door

The very first thing you need to know is how to find a garage door. If you’re looking for the best garage door options check out the available types and styles. Finding the right garage door will make the process a lot easier, so make sure that you know the size and style that will fit your garage.

What Kind of Garage Doors Are There?

When it comes to garage door options there are styles and materials that can be considered. Most garage doors use a sectional door that folds as it moves up and down on a track. There are also outward swinging doors, or sliding doors to consider. 

Garage door materials come in a large variety with wood, steel, aluminum, vinyl, and tempered glass being possibilities. A lot of the choices you make here are simple, you will want a garage door that fits with your home, looks, and functions properly. You should also consider the budget when deciding on what material to use as there is a big difference in cost. 

When Should I Start?

Thankfully, replacing a garage door isn’t as weather-specific as a lot of other tasks. Many people still find it beneficial to do it in warm, dry times of the year, but unless you plan on painting or doing further work with the garage, replacing a door can happen even in the winter. 

Custom Garage Doors 

Some people will require custom doors, and some people may just want them. Remember that if you do have a custom door made, it can take months to finish. A normal-sized garage door will probably be ready as soon as you pay for it, allowing for shipping time if necessary. 


The moment of truth has arrived, you have your garage door chosen and you are ready to put it in. There are two choices here, one which you can do yourself, but it is highly recommended that you have a professional garage door installer do the work. New garage doors can be dangerous to install. 

You also want to make sure that the garage door works properly and all the safety features are engaged. A mistake here could cost someone a serious injury or their life, so hire a responsible professional that you trust. 

Garage Doors And Your Home 

Garage doors can make a big difference in how people see your home. How to replace a garage door begins and ends with a choice of style and material and any additions that you want to add to your garage. If you have any questions, please browse our website for anything that you need or want to know.