5 Reasons to Hire Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services

You already know the importance of keeping your home clean, and you may even do a seasonal deep clean around the house. But are you truly cleaning your carpets and upholstery?

If you’re like most people, the textiles in your home are filthy. In fact, bedroom carpets have 10 times the bacteria of the average toilet seat.

To keep your home—and your family—clean and safe from bacteria and other irritants, regular carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning are critical.

And only a professional cleaning company can do this effectively. Here are the top five reasons to hire professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services.

1. Get the Best Clean Possible

You may consider yourself a relatively clean person, and you care about keeping your home fresh. But simply vacuuming or wiping surfaces in your home isn’t enough to truly clean them.

When it comes to your carpets and upholstery, the average home vacuum only sucks up dirt on the top layer. It can’t penetrate and clean dirt, dust mites, liquids, and other harmful particles that have sunk deeper into the fabric.

Professional carpet cleaning deep cleans carpets and upholstery. The machines used are powerful and use water at high temperatures (usually around 250 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill bacteria and mites.

And these cleaning machines have industrial-strength suctioning that is hard to find in standard vacuums or rental machines.

A professional carpet cleaner is also prepared with top-of-the-line detergents and cleaning products.

You may think you can DIY carpet and upholstery cleaning. But for the best clean possible, trust the professionals.

2. Extend the Life of Your Furniture and Carpets

Furniture, rugs, and wall-to-wall carpet can be expensive home investments. To stretch your dollar and make your investments last, it’s important to properly clean and maintain these home fixtures.

Upholstered furniture and carpets show age quicker than most other house items. That’s because the fabrics and soft materials easily wear, stain, and fade over time.

But professional carpet and upholstery cleaning can help to slow down these signs of aging, making carpets and furniture look new again.

Cleaners can remove stains and odors that build up over time. And they can also use protectants that preserve fibers, such as the carpet protectants offered by Towers Restoration and Cleaning.

Plus, only the professionals have the proper knowledge and equipment for different types of carpets and fabrics. This way, each floor, rug, or piece of furniture is cleaned and treated with the correct care.

3. Keep Your Family Healthy

Professional carpet cleaning is especially important if you have pets or small children who spend a lot of time on the floor.

Carpets and other soft surfaces are breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, allergens, dust, mites, dirt, and other irritants. And that means that dirty carpet can make you and your family sick.

And you don’t only get sick from touching dirty carpets. Carpets can also affect the air you’re breathing, too.

The American Lung Association says that home carpets hold pollutants that become airborne during renovations, vacuuming, or even just by walking on the them. And these pollutants can be dangerous when we breathe them in.

You may consider steam cleaning your carpet yourself to eliminate these toxins. But steam-cleaning vacuums can sometimes cause more issues because the moisture left behind can encourage mold growth.

Cleaning companies are able to use low-moisture and quick-drying solutions that ensure your family will stay healthy after the job is done.

4. Maintain the Look of Your Home

All it takes is one pesky stain on your carpet or sofa to make a room look old, dirty, and unwelcoming to guests.

Just because your home is lived in doesn’t mean it has to look lived in.

Accidents happen, including stains, but carpet and upholstery cleaners work to remove the evidence left behind.

Only a professional can get your white carpet or favorite soft chair back to its original spotless appearance. They’re well-trained in fiber care and cleaning, and they know about different stains and what they each require.

With a professional cleaner, you can keep your home looking fresh, starting with your carpets and upholstered furniture.

5. Save Time

Professional carpet and upholstery cleaning companies can offer the best, most effective clean, without you having to lift a finger.

They’ll do all the work for you, including moving your furniture, saving you time and effort. And you won’t have to worry about making a trip to the store to buy cleaning products or equipment.

They also already know about different carpet types, how to handle your beloved furniture, and how to treat carpet stains and issues. That means you don’t have to waste time searching online, trying to learn how to clean your sofa or area rug.

Let the professionals do all the work, from start to finish, while you save precious time.

The Benefits of Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning

You may be unsure if professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services are really worth it.

But if your home is like most others, the soft surfaces in your home are covered in dirty bacteria, stains, mold, mites, and other toxins and pollutants.

When deep cleaning your home, don’t forget about carpet and upholstery cleaning. And remember, only the professionals can effectively clean deep beyond the surface to keep your family healthy and your home looking new.

Learn more about staying healthy with our health articles, or check out our latest home improvement articles for more cleaning and household tips!