The Brief Guide That Makes It Simple to Choose an Insulation Installer

Did you know that heating and cooling make up 50-70% of the energy that the average American home uses? Because heating and cooling take up so much energy, your home must be well insulated. 

Having a home with good insulation will cut back on energy, save you money, and make your home more comfortable. Are you interested in improving the insulation in your home? 

One of the most important parts of installing new insulation is finding a local insulation contractor that you trust. Keep reading to learn more about how to choose the right insulation installer for your home. 

Is the Insulation Installer Certified?

The first thing you should check for when choosing a professional contractor is insulation certification. Certification is not required to install insulation, but it shows that the company is professional.

Certifications and requirements vary by state, so be sure to ask the insulation company before choosing them. 

Does the Insulation Installer Have Insurance?

Another important question to ask your potential insulation contractors is if they have insurance. While the odds of home damage are low, mistakes do happen. 

You want to ensure that if there is damage, the insulation contractor will be able to cover the cost with their insurance. Also, it is good to know that if a worker gets hurt on the job, there will be insurance to cover the injuries. 

Check References and Reviews

Before choosing any type of contractor to work on your house, you should check their references and online reviews.

One of the best ways to find contractors is through word of mouth. Have your friends or family used this contractor before? What was their opinion? 

If you don’t know anyone who has done business with the contractor before, turn to the internet to get some answers. You should check to see if the insulation company has a website, how many customer reviews they have, and if they are good reviews. 

Do They Know the Best Type of Insulation To Use?

Did you know that there are several different types of insulation? To choose the best insulation for your home, the contractor will need to be aware of the scope of the project and the recommended R-values for the area you live in. 

An R-value indicates a material’s resistance to heat flow. The R-value where you live will determine if your home needs spray foam, injection foam, rigid foam panels, or another type of insulation. 

A good contractor will be willing to discuss R-values with you to make the best decision for your house. 

Are You Ready To Choose an Insulation Installer?

Insulation is an important part of saving you money on your electric bill. If you are thinking of installing new insulation in your home, you need to make sure that you choose the best local insulation installer. 

Did you enjoy reading this article on how to choose an insulation installer? If so, check out our other articles in the home advice category to make even more improvements to your home!