5 Benefits of Installing a Custom Gate for Your Home

Do you need to upgrade your exterior or protect your property? Do you want to improve your home’s value, or save money on insurance? If so, you might want to install a custom driveway gate.

A custom driveway gate adds class to your home’s appearance, which improves the real estate value. A gate also keeps out unwanted intruders, so it lowers your insurance premiums. 

Read on to learn about the five benefits of installing a custom gate for your home. 

1. Curb Appeal

Do you need to add curb appeal to make your property look a little nicer? Add a custom driveway gate. While a custom metal gate is most common, you can also find gate designs for aluminum gates, wooden gates, and even glass gates. 

Making your home exterior more attractive also adds value, because curb appeal may account for up to 7% of a house’s sale price. This is why experts often tell homeowners that they’ll get the most value for their money by upgrading the appearance of the home. Curb appeal also helps your home stand out in photos on the internet, which is important since 90% of homebuyers start house-hunting online.

2. Privacy

The right combination of custom fences and gates can put up a boundary around your house to keep curious neighbors or passersby from looking inside. It also keeps away salespeople, political campaigners, and other solicitors.

3. Home Security

Too often, home solicitors are actually criminals trying to scout homes to target victims and plan break-ins. If you have a gate, you’ll keep them out. Nobody will be able to sneak across the lawn to peer through windows, drive up to your house, or haul away large valuables.

Having a gate may also make your home less of a target. If your home is the only gated house in the area, criminals may automatically pass by it as they search for easier targets.  

A security gate may also help you protect package deliveries. If you can make an arrangement with your delivery company to open the gate, or even lower packages over the fence, you can keep your packages out of sight and out of reach of thieves scouring the neighborhood porches for brown cardboard boxes.

4. Insurance

Because a driveway gate helps secure your property, installing a custom driveway gate can bring down your insurance premiums, especially if you live in an area where break-ins are common. If you’re having trouble insuring a high-risk house, adding a gate might add enough value for the insurance agency to reconsider. 

5. Pet and Child Safety

Do you have little children who wander away or run into the street? Install a gate to keep the children from running off of the property.

It’s not just children who are safer behind a gate. You may also want to put up a gate to keep a pet from wandering off. Even better, the gate and fencing will keep other animals from coming onto your property. 

Install Your Custom Gate

Whether you want to add curb appeal, lower your home insurance premiums, or protect your children, install a custom gate. You can find a gate to match almost any design style, and it’ll help you keep your home and family safe.

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