The Common Types of Carpet: A Homeowner’s Guide

You just moved into a new house and there are lovely hardwood floors that made you just fall in love. However, they even go into the bedrooms which you’re not too keen on.

There’s your first major project for your home: deciding what carpet you want to be installed.

There has been a decline in carpet being the first choice, but carpet is still the heavily favored flooring for bedrooms. But you cant decide on the specific kind that you want for your home.

If you are having trouble deciding, here are some types of carpet that can help you to make up your mind.

Carpet Types

When choosing which carpet you want, it is important to know what types are accessible to you. Here are a few of the most popular.


Probably the most popular and most cost-effective of the synthetic fibers for carpet, Nylon won’t steer you wrong. Over 70 percent of all residential carpets are composed of nylon.

It is highly resistant to normal wear and tear, as well as mildew, mold, and rotting. You can expect to have a nylon carpet for more than a decade if you take care of it.


Wool is a natural material that can last a long time. However, it comes with several issues:

  1. Wool that is of a lower grade can stain more easily
  2. Wool of a higher grade can be extremely expensive
  3. Wool is susceptible to mold and mildew because it is an organic material

To mitigate these problems, some manufacturers often combine wool with other synthetics.


Polyester is another synthetic that holds color well and is also non-allergenic. If you’re feeling more eco-friendly, you can purchase polyester/PET, which is made from recycled plastic bottles.

Carpet Styles

Carpet style is just as important as what type you want to be installed in your house. The carpet is made from the fibers that art cut and/or looped together. Here are some that you might encounter.

Cut Pile

Cut pile is good for high-traffic areas of the home due to the fiber used, tuft density,  and yarn twist. You find ones like

  • Plush 
  • Saxony
  • Frieze
  • Shag, and
  • Cable

Loop Pile

Loop pile doesn’t expose the tip of to yan like cut pile does. Because of this, they are often wear-resistant. You have both level loop pile and multi-level loop pile.

Cut Loop Pile

It gives you the benefits of both styles and even more options as far as designs within the carpet. You find this often in more aesthetically designed carpets and rugs.

But if these don’t fit your fancy, you can see more here.  

Experiment with Different Types of Carpet

There are many types of carpet to choose from, but ultimately you want to choose what’s best for you and your home. It may not make a milestone difference, but as a homeowner, you deserve to have a say in even the little things.

Make your home one that your friends and admire and that make your neighbors green with envy, and start with the little things of your house. You deserve to be happy.

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