DIY Garage Door Installation Instructions

The labor cost to install a garage door ranges from $150 to $700. When the price of a new garage door is already upwards of $1,000, the full cost can add up.

Opting for a DIY installation can be a cheaper alternative. Just keep in mind that installing a garage door yourself can be dangerous. Plus, in some cases, it can even void the warranty. 

That said, if you’re handy and have the time to tackle a challenging home project, you can use these garage door installation instructions to replace your door. 

Keep reading to learn how to install a new garage door in your home. Plus, find out what parts, tools, and equipment you need to get the job done. 

Release the Tension On the Springs

The first step in any garage door replacement is to release the tension on the springs. To do this, you’ll need to know if you have extension or torsion springs. Extension springs sit above the roller track while the torsion spring is mounted above the door.

Side-mounted extension springs are relatively easy to release. You’ll need to lift the door and lock it into place with pliers. Then, connect the extension spring to the roller track and disconnect the cable from the bottom door bracket. 

If your old garage door has a torsion spring, it’s best to call a professional to release the tension. Since torsion springs hold an enormous amount of tension, the release can cause serious injury if you don’t know what you’re doing. 

If you need to order a replacement torsion spring for your new garage door, you can find one in the right size here:

Remove the Old Door

Once you’ve disconnected the springs and the garage door opener (either yourself or with a professional), it’s time to take out the old door. Since garage doors are very heavy, you’ll need a few people to help you with this step.

If your garage door has windows, apply some masking tape in a spoke pattern. If the glass gets broken as you’re taking down the door, the tape will catch any glass shards. 

With your helpers, lower the garage door to the floor and set it on top of a 2×4 to protect toes and fingers.

With the garage door closed, you can disconnect the old garage door opener. Unplug the unit from the electrical outlet and pull the emergency brake.

Now you can start taking the door apart. Working from the top down, start removing the door in sections. You can do this by removing the brackets and disconnecting the rollers. 

Once you’ve taken down the door, remove any remaining hardware as well as the roller tracks. 

Assemble the New Door Panels

If you’re working from a kit, you’ll need to attach the door hinges to each panel. Look for pilot holes to know where to attach the hinges. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for this step.  

Next, set the bottom panel into place. The door needs to sit level, even if the floor isn’t level. You can temporarily tape a level to the top of the section to check and add shims until the door sits level. 

Then, attach the next panel to the bottom one. Keep working upwards until you’ve installed all but the top panel. 

When you get to the top section, screw the stiffening strut to the top edge of the panel. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for this step.

You’ll then install the opener bracket in the center of the top panel. This will eventually connect to the garage door opener. 

Install the Vertical Roller Tracks

Once you’ve assembled the door, it’s time to put up the vertical tracks on both sides of the garage door. The bracket on the edge of each door panel will have a small roller. This needs to sit inside the vertical roller track. 

The top of the roller track should sit about 8 inches away from the top of the door and 1/8 inch from the floor. Once it’s in the right place, secure the vertical track to the metal bracket that you’ve installed on the trim around the garage door. 

Install the Upper Vertical Tracks

For this next step, you’ll need a sturdy ladder and a strong person to help you. You’ll need to lift the door halfway and hold it in place with locking pliers (you’ll need two pairs). 

With the door halfway open, this will show you where to install the supporting brackets on the ceiling. Climb onto the ladder and attach the brackets to the outside of the rails. Then, screw the other end of the supporting bracket into the ceiling of your garage. 

Install the Spring

Once the door and tracks are in place, it’s time to install the spring. This is typically the step with the most safety hazards. 

If your door has a torsion spring, you’ll install it above the door. If you have extension springs, it sits above the roller track. 

For a torsion spring, you’ll also need to add tension. Some brands offer a simple way to do this with a power drill, locking pliers, and garage door lubricant. 

To install extension springs, you’ll need to attach it to the track and thread the safety cable through the spring. Then, you’ll attach the safety cable and the pulley to the spring, making sure to keep them away from each other. 

Then, you can reattach or install a new garage door opener with a remote control. 

Test the New Garage Door

Once you’ve got everything attached, you can test the garage door to make sure it moves smoothly. If it wobbles or moves too quickly, you can make adjustments. 

For extension spring door, you can adjust the pulley placement and the spring hardware itself. For a tension spring garage door, you’ll need to lubricate the spring and tighten or loosen it as needed. 

Start Your DIY Project with These Garage Door Installation Instructions

If you’re going to attempt this DIY project, it’s important to follow these garage door installation instructions. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to contact a professional installer. 

Keep in mind that this can be a dangerous process with many safety hazards. Make sure to read any and all instructions that come with your tools or garage door parts. 

To find more DIY tips for improving your home, keep scrolling through our blog for inspiration.