Broken Refrigerators: 6 Warning Signs You Need Repair

While you use it every day, you probably don’t think about your refrigerator very often. 

You open the door and pull food or drink out and expect it to be cold and okay to eat. While refrigerators seem to last forever, the bad news is, they don’t. Sooner or later your refrigerator will start to show one or more signs that all broken refrigerators eventually show. 

Fortunately, by paying attention to the signs, you can stop a small issue from becoming a major problem. If you are not sure if your refrigerator is still working as it should, here are a few signs it might be time for a repair.  

1. Spoiled Food

The most basic function of a refrigerator is to keep your food from going bad. If this is not happening and your food keeps spoiling, you might need a refrigerator repair contractor.

This is usually one of the first signs of a broken unit. 

2. Overheating Motor 

One sign your refrigerator is broken is if the motor is overheating. You will notice this problem because the area behind the refrigerator will give off excessive heat and may even be hot to the touch. If the motor is overheating, call for a repair.  

3. Ice Inside of the Freezer 

If you have been wondering, is my fridge broken, try looking inside of the freezer. Your freezer should not have a build-up of ice on the walls or the items inside. If the problem persists after you defrost the freezer and adjust the temperature, you may need to schedule a repair.

4. Increased Electric Bill  

One way to know your refrigerator needs repair is if your energy bill suddenly spikes. While this can be due to a variety of reasons, it can also be caused by a faulty refrigerator. If there is no other reason for the spike, you may need to repair your refrigerator. 

5. Leaking Water 

A common sign your refrigerator needs repair is it is leaking. You might see puddles inside of the unit, or the water may leak onto the floor. Leaking is a sign of a variety of problems, from a clogged drain to a broken seal. 

6. Age of the Refrigerator

Sometimes your refrigerator is simply too old to work correctly. A refrigerator lasts for an average of 20 years before you need to replace or repair it. If your refrigerator is around this age, you might want to schedule a check-up.

These Are the Signs of Broken Refrigerators

By noticing these signs of broken refrigerators, you can schedule a repair right away. 

You may notice your food is spoiling regardless of the temperature settings. Your refrigerator may be hot to the touch, leaking water, or you might find a build-up of ice inside of the freezer. In some cases, the only signs your refrigerator is broken is an increased electric bill or the age of the refrigerator. 

If you notice any of these signs, call to schedule a repair. 

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