10 Patio Decorating Ideas For the Summer

Are you looking for a way to spruce up your patio this summer? During the winter months, patios can take quite a beating, making them look old and dingy by the time spring rolls around. But that doesn’t mean you have to settle.

In fact, there are tons of simple upgrades that can make your patio summer-ready. You’ll be able to host pool parties or outdoor BBQs for all your neighbors without feeling embarrassed about the state of your patio.

This may seem expensive, but there are many patio decorating ideas that can be very affordable. By playing with things like flowers and lights, you can completely transform the look of your outdoor space.

Do you want to know what we’re talking about? Keep reading to discover 10 patio decorating ideas for the summer.

1. Make a Fairy Garden

Fairy gardens have been becoming increasingly popular over the past few years. But, what exactly is it?

Well, a fairy garden is created by planting a variety of small plants in a pot. Then, small figurines are added to make it look like a fairy’s home. While this can be done in just one pot, some of the best fairy gardens utilize a few pots either stacked on top of one another or placed right next to each other.

Not only is this a fun patio decoration, but if you have kids, they’ll love the chance to create an imaginary world that will be on display all summer.

2. Get a Firepit

Nothing says fun summer nights quite like a firepit. It gives you the chance to add some natural light to your backyard and an excuse to invite your friends and neighbors over on the weekends to roast some marshmallows.

If you have kids or teenagers, you may find that your patio turns into the summer neighbor hot-spot. Everyone loves a good bonfire party! Not only will this patio decoration help you better entertain your guests, but it’ll look great with your upgraded patio.

3. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

You may have found that winter wore away at your paint job from last year. While painting can be a hassle, weathered and chipped paint really takes a toll on the overall appearance of your patio.

A fresh coat of paint can liven the entire area up. While you may feel tempted to stick with white, consider adding some fun colors in the mix. Creating an accent wall or painting your wooden patio furniture a bright color can help bring more energy to your patio.

4. Create a Vertical Garden

One of the easiest patio d?cor ideas is to utilize flowers. Not only do flowers help bring life to the room, but they are very affordable.

When deciding how to decorate a patio using flowers, consider going vertical. Flat flower gardens are everywhere, and while it can help to add color, a vertical flower garden will create more interest.

All you have to do is hang planters at varying heights in your patio. While this may not sound very interesting, there are tons of ways to create unique and eye-catching vertical gardens.

5. Make a Table Planter

Another patio decorating idea is to put flowers right on your table.

All you have to do is cut a hole in the center of a wooden table and attach a wooden pallet underneath the hole. The wooden pallet will create the perfect planter where you can add whatever flowers you want.

6. Paint Some Rocks

When you’re thinking of how to decorate a patio, you may not consider using rocks. However, if used correctly, rocks can add a nice natural touch to the area and make for a great patio decoration.

They can be used in planters, fairy gardens, and flower gardens, as well as to line walkways. If you’re looking for a way to give your patio some extra color, consider painting some of these rocks. Rocks that are in fairy gardens and planters can look especially nice when painted with fun colors and designs.

7. Get Creative with Lights

If you plan to host some backyard parties this summer, you’ll need to find a way to lighten your patio up. While normal patio lights may work to light the area, they tend to look rather harsh.

Instead, go with some unique lighting throughout your patio and backyard. Lanterns and tiki torches are easy lighting solutions that can be added to your backyard. But, one of the best outdoor patio decorating ideas is to use string lights around the patio. This allows you to illuminate the area with softer lights which will help set a more relaxing mood.

8. Upgrade Your Outdoor Furniture

When you’re deciding how to decorate a patio, your outdoor furniture plays a huge role in the overall result. If your patio furniture looks a little worse for the wear, you may think that you need to scrap it and get all new furniture.

But don’t throw it away just yet. You can upgrade your wooden furniture by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Chair cushions can always be replaced or reupholstered to give your furniture a completely new look.

If you’re looking for a way to add some color to your patio, cushions, and pillows are a great place to play with funky colors and patterns.

9. Make a DIY Birdfeeder

One of the best parts of summer is watching all the animals come out from their winter hiding places. If you want a chance to see more birds (and even the occasional squirrel or chipmunk), installing a birdfeeder is a great way to do that.

But, don’t just get any old bird feeder. Opting for a DIY birdfeeder will make a great patio decoration and really help to show-off your personal style. Birdfeeders can be made from old wine bottles, teacups, and more! Just find the right design and enjoy an afternoon of crafting.

10. Make a Walkway

Alright, so now you’ve followed some of our outdoor patio decorating ideas and spruced up your backyard with a firepit. So, how do you connect your patio to the rest of your backyard?

Making a walkway is a great way to bring these two areas together. Cement, brick, and stone are all great materials to make walkways out of. If you have a long walkway, you could also add some flowers, rope lights, or painted rocks along the sides for some added interest.

The Best Patio Decorating Ideas

If your patio is currently looking a little bland or worse for the wear, you may be thinking of ways to help liven it up.

Well, the good news is that there are tons of affordable and simple ways to give your patio a summer makeover. The best patio decorating ideas include making a fairy garden, getting a firepit, repainting, planting a vertical garden, making a table planter, painting rocks, using unique lighting, upgrading outdoor furniture, making a personal birdfeeder, and adding a walkway.

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