Know Your Home: Comparing the Differences Between a Boiler vs. Water Heater

No matter what type of home you live in, hot water and central heating are essential. Your home or building will invariably have both a boiler and a water heater, but what’s the difference between the two?

When it comes to the boiler vs water heater debate, many homeowners think that the two are interchangeable and that they essentially perform the same function. While you would be forgiven for thinking that, it’s not entirely true.

The difference between boiler and water heater devices seems small but is actually important to know for anyone hoping to keep their home functional and in good shape. Read on to find out. 

Boiler vs Water Heater: The Basics

First of all, let’s answer the question of what is a boiler and what is a water heater. A water heater does exactly what it sounds like; it heats water for your home that you can use for washing, cleaning, cooking, and more. 

A boiler, on the other hand, does something extra. While it is true that boilers also heat water, the purpose is different. The boiler hot water tank heats up to such a degree that the water evaporates into steam.

This steam is then circulated around the house via the pipes to heat up the entire home.

The water boiler heating system usually does not use water that is actually potable, while water boilers do use potable water. This is the fundamental difference between the two. 

Different Types of Boiler

There are numerous different types of home boilers that function in their own way. Here are the key types of boilers that are commonly used today:

  • Conventional boiler: This is a large boiler that is ideal for bigger houses, as it has a very large tank and contains both a hot water cylinder and a cold water tank.
  • Combination boiler: Combinations boilers supply heat for the home and hot water. They are often compact and ideal for smaller homes. 
  • System boiler: A system boiler stores water from the main water system and rapidly heats it up for use. There is no tank, meaning that the amount of water it can heat up at one time is limited.
  • Condensing boiler: These are a more energy-efficient form of water boiler heat producers. They contain extra components that save and store the heat that often escapes through the flues of regular boilers, reducing waste in the process. 

All boilers will require an occasional boiler service to ensure that they stay in perfect working order, meaning that you avoid the expense of having to buy a new boiler. 

Different Types of Water Heater 

There is also a diverse market for water heaters, and the one in your home may well depend on what type of home you live in. 

  • Conventional water heaters: This is a standard, single-tank water heater. Potable water enters the tank from the mains before being heated up to the required temperature via gas or electricity. 
  • Tankless water heaters: Tankless water heaters are, in a nutshell, more powerful. They heat water up almost instantly, meaning there is no need for an actual tank to store it. 
  • Hybrid water heaters: These are more energy-efficient, greener water heaters as they use atmospheric heat from the air to heat up water. Bear in mind that these water heaters are quite useless in colder climates.

These are the main types of water heater, although more niche ones do exist.


Learn More 

Now that you know the boiler vs water heater fundamentals, it’s time to learn more about keeping your house in good shape. Make sure to consult my Home Advice Section for all of the DIY tips on keeping everything in working order.