5 Common Roofing Mistakes to Avoid for New Homeowners

First-time homeowners might not understand the importance of a good roof. An energy-efficient roof, for instance, could save them 10 to 15 percent on their cooling bill

A reliable roof also protects your home from storm damage. Even a small rainstorm can cost thousands of dollars for mold clean-up.

Before you hire the first affordable contractor you find, make sure you won’t fall victim to these five common roofing mistakes. Do a little homework ahead of time. It will save you from spending all your hard-earned money on repairs. 

1. Faulty Flashing

Valley flashing is a curved sheet of metal that sits in the low points on the roof. It provides an extra layer of protection to prevent the roof from buckling and leaking.

When not installed properly, valley flashing diverts water in the wrong direction. This causes roof shingles to deteriorate quicker.

Contractors who don’t specialize in roofing might not use enough sealant around the flashing. Without this sealant, it encourages water to puddle and seeps into the roof deck. 

2. Rotting Roof Deck

The roof deck is the foundation for the shingles. If this important part of the roof isn’t kept in shape, your new roof shingles will fail. 

A good roof deck is free from water and termite damage. Low points in the roof deck from any damage will cause water to puddle and leak into your home.

3. Contractor Shortcuts

The bargain price your contractor quotes might seem great, but it’s a sign they may try to take shortcuts. While these shortcuts will save time and money now, they’ll cost you more in repairs later.

Common shortcuts to look out for include:

  • Layering new shingles over old shingles
  • Mismatched shingles
  • Not following the shingle manufacturer’s guidelines

These may seem like trivial concerns in the long run, so long as the roof looks good. Unfortunately, layering shingles can put too much weight on the structure, causing collapse. Failure to follow the manufacturer’s rules will void any warranty on the shingles.

4. Lack of Moisture Protection

Before installing the shingles, the roof deck needs to be waterproofed. This underlayment will save your roof deck even if the shingles are damaged in a storm. 

There are three main types of underlayment:

  • Non-bitumen synthetic
  • Asphalt-saturated felt
  • Rubberized asphalt

Consult with your contractor to see which type of underlayment is right for your home.

5. Overhanging Trees

Trees can cause major damage to a roof if left to grow unchecked over your home. 

During a tornado or hurricane, tree limbs are prone to snapping off. Heavy tree branches can collapse a roof.

Houses with old trees in tornado-prone areas may need extra protection. Freestanding storm shelters will protect your family even if a tree branch damages the roof.

Protect Your Home and Avoid Common Roofing Mistakes

When you’re ready to settle into your new home, give the roof a good inspection. You don’t want to be surprised by leaks in the middle of the night.

Use this guide to make a list of questions for your roofing contractor. The more questions you ask, the less likely you are to commit these common roofing mistakes.

For more tips on how to keep your home safe and comfortable, check out our blog.