Green Home Technology to Watch in 2020

Have you thought about how to save the environment? It’s easy to feel disconnected from the world and feel as if it is not a problem but the climate emergency is a big deal.

There is loads we can do to alleviate the issues in our own home. With new technology being released all the time, 2020 is the year we can invest in new green technology for our homes.

Here is all about the green technologies that you can invest in.

Solar Panels

If you live in a state that is sunny all year round – Californias this is one for you – then buying solar panels for your house is a worthwhile investment. You will more than make your money back in the amount of energy you will create day-in-day-out.  Solar panels are just one part of green home plans.

The average cost of installing solar panels is around $30,000 but you do also need to factor in green energy incentives which can give you a big discount. These are mainly applied by filing in form 5695 from the IRS. There are also partial refunds available at a State level.

Although many people say solar panels look ugly there are numerous ways you can integrate them into your home, using modern, off-the-wall designs.

Rainwater Collection

Conversely, if you live in a state where it rains a lot then you might want to invest in rainwater collection devices or water conservation technology which. can recycle the water. The machine collects water from the gutter and stores it in a tank.

It can then be used for another day or for times when the water is switched off by the local government. If you install the systems yourself they are relatively inexpensive. If you pay someone to install it can cost a couple of hundred dollars.

Smart Energy Meters

One of the best green technologies you can install is smart energy meters, which are part of the evolving smart ecosystem. These can give you a great idea of how much energy you are using at any time and what devices or appliances are using the most amount of energy.

If you want to cut back on your energy consumption a smart energy meter can be a really good tool that can help you to make changes to your consumption.

There Is So Much New Green Technology

Today there are a host of options for new green technology you can purchase that can help create the perfect home that is sustainable. From smart energy meters that can help you track how much energy you are using to rainwater collection systems that allow you to keep some water in reserve and the age-old solution of solar panels.

All of this technology is worth investing in and with incentives at both a State and Federal level, it is a lot cheaper than many people think.

If you are interested in reading more about new green technology or green home plans then be sure to check out the rest of our site.